Command Line

In this section, we will describe how to use the Exzo Network command-line tools to create a wallet, to send and receive XZO tokens, and to participate in the cluster by delegating stake.

To interact with a Exzo Network cluster, we will use its command-line interface, also known as the CLI. We use the command-line because it is the first place the Exzo Network core team deploys new functionality. The command-line interface is not necessarily the easiest to use, but it provides the most direct, flexible, and secure access to your Exzo Network accounts.

Getting Started

To get started using the Solana Command Line (CLI) tools:

  • Install the Exzo Network Tools
  • Choose a Cluster
  • Create a Wallet
  • Check out our CLI conventions

There are multiple ways to install the Exzo Network tools on your computer depending on your preferred workflow:

  • Use Exzo Network Install Tool
  • MacOS & Linux
  • Windows
  • Download Prebuilt Binaries
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • Build From Source

Use Exzo Network Install Tool

MacOS & Linux

  • Open your favorite Terminal application
  • Install the Exzo Network release LATEST_Exzo Network_RELEASE on your machine by running:


  • If you are connecting to a different testnet, you can replace LATEST_EXZONETWORK_RELEASE with the release tag matching the software version of your desired testnet, or replace it with the named channel stable, beta, or edge.
  • The following output indicates a successful update:
looking for latest release downloading LATEST_EXZONETWORK_RELEASE installer
Configuration: /home/exzonetwork/.config/exzonetwork/install/config.yml
Active release directory: /home/exzonetwork/.local/share/exzonetwork/install/active_release

Update successful

  • Depending on your system, the end of the installer messaging may prompt you to

Please update your PATH environment variable to include the Exzo Network programs:

  • If you get the above message, copy and paste the recommended command below it to update PATH


export PATH="/root/.local/share/exzonetwork/install/active_release/bin:$PATH" to bashrc
  • Confirm you have the desired version of exzonetwork installed by running:


exzonetwork --version
  • After a successful install, exzonetwork-install update may be used to easily update the Exzo Network software to a newer version at any time.


Open a Command Prompt (cmd.exe) as an Administrator

  • Search for Command Prompt in the Windows search bar. When the Command Prompt app appears, right-click and select “Open as Administrator”. If you are prompted by a pop-up window asking “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?”, click Yes.
  • Copy and paste the following command, then press Enter to download the Exzo Network installer into a temporary directory:


curl -L --output C:\exzo-install-tmp\exzo-install-init.exe --create-dirs
  • Copy and paste the following command, then press Enter to install the latest stable version of Exzo Network. If you see a security pop-up by your system, please select to allow the program to run.

C:\exzo-install-tmp\exzo-install-init.exe stable

  • When the installer is finished, press Enter.
  • Close the command prompt window and re-open a new command prompt window as a normal user
  • Search for "Command Prompt" in the search bar, then left click on the Command Prompt app icon, no need to run as Administrator)
  • Confirm you have the desired version of exzo installed by entering:


exzo --version
  • After a successful install, exzo-install update may be used to easily update the Exzo Network software to a newer version at any time.

Download Prebuilt Binaries

If you would rather not use exzo-install to manage the install, you can manually download and install the binaries.


Download the binaries by navigating to, download exzonetwork-release-x86_64-unknown-linux-msvc.tar.bz2, then extract the archive:


tar jxf exzo-release-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
cd exzo-release/
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH


Download the binaries by navigating to, download exzonetwork-release-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.bz2, then extract the archive:


tar jxf exzo-release-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.bz2
cd exzo-release/
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH



cd exzo-release/
set PATH=%cd%/bin;%PATH%

Build From Source

If you are unable to use the prebuilt binaries or prefer to build it yourself from source, navigate to, and download the Source Code archive. Extract the code and build the binaries with:


./scripts/ .
export PATH=$PWD/bin:$PATH

Before running any Exzo Network CLI commands, let's go over some conventions that you will see across all commands. First, the Exzo Network CLI is actually a collection of different commands for each action you might want to take. You can view the list of all possible commands by running:


exzo --help

To zoom in on how to use a particular command, run:


exzo <COMMAND> --help

where you replace the text <COMMAND> with the name of the command you want to learn more about.

The command's usage message will typically contain words such as <AMOUNT>, <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> or <KEYPAIR>. Each word is a placeholder for the type of text you can execute the command with. For example, you can replace <AMOUNT> with a number such as 42 or 100.42. You can replace <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> with the base58 encoding of your public key, such as 9grmKMwTiZwUHSExjtbFzHLPTdWoXgcg1bZkhvwTrTww.

Keypair conventions

Many commands using the CLI tools require a value for a <KEYPAIR>. The value you should use for the keypair depend on what type of command line wallet you created.

For example, the way to display any wallet's address (also known as the keypair's pubkey), the CLI help document shows:


exzo-keygen pubkey <KEYPAIR>

Below, we show how to resolve what you should put in <KEYPAIR> depending on your wallet type.

Paper Wallet

In a paper wallet, the keypair is securely derived from the seed words and optional passphrase you entered when the wallet was create. To use a paper wallet keypair anywhere the <KEYPAIR> text is shown in examples or help documents, enter the word ASK and the program will prompt you to enter your seed words when you run the command.

To display the wallet address of a Paper Wallet:


exzo-keygen pubkey ASK

File System Wallet

With a file system wallet, the keypair is stored in a file on your computer. Replace <KEYPAIR> with the complete file path to the keypair file.

For example, if the file system keypair file location is /home/exzo/my_wallet.json, to display the address, do:



exzo-keygen pubkey /home/exzo/my_wallet.json

See Exzo Network Clusters for general information about the available clusters.

Configure the command-line tool

You can check what cluster the Exzo Network command-line tool (CLI) is currently targeting by running the following command:


exzo config get

Use exzonetwork config set command to target a particular cluster. After setting a cluster target, any future subcommands will send/receive information from that cluster.

For example to target the Devnet cluster, run:


exzo config set --url

Ensure Versions Match

Though not strictly necessary, the CLI will generally work best when its version matches the software version running on the cluster. To get the locally-installed CLI version, run:


exzo --version

To get the cluster version, run:


exzo cluster-version

Ensure the local CLI version is greater than or equal to the cluster version.

This page decribes how to receive and send XZO tokens using the command line tools with a command line wallet such as a paper wallet, and a file system wallet. Before you begin, make sure you have created a wallet and have access to its address (pubkey) and the signing keypair. Check out our conventions for entering keypairs for different wallet types.

Testing your Wallet

Before sharing your public key with others, you may want to first ensure the key is valid and that you indeed hold the corresponding private key.

In this example, we will create a second wallet in addition to your first wallet, and then transfer some tokens to it. This will confirm that you can send and receive tokens on your wallet type of choice.

This test example uses our Developer Testnet, called devnet. Tokens issued on devnet have no value, so don't worry if you lose them.

Airdrop some tokens to get started

First, airdrop yourself some play tokens on the devnet.


exzo airdrop 10 <RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --url

where you replace the text <RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> with your base58-encoded public key/wallet address.

Check your balance

Confirm the airdrop was successful by checking the account's balance. It should output 10 XZO:


exzo balance <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --url

Create a second wallet address

We will need a new address to receive our tokens. Create a second keypair and record its pubkey:


exzo -keygen new --no-passphrase --no-outfile

The output will contain the address after the text pubkey:.

Copy the address. We will use it in the next step.

pubkey: GKvqsuNcnwWqPzzuhLmGi4rzzh55FhJtGizkhHaEJqiV

You can also create a second (or more) wallet of any type: paper, file system.

Transfer tokens from your first wallet to the second address

Next, prove that you own the airdropped tokens by transferring them. The Exzo Network cluster will only accept the transfer if you sign the transaction with the private keypair corresponding to the sender's public key in the transaction.


exzo transfer --from <KEYPAIR> <RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> 5 --url --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

where you replace <KEYPAIR> with the path to a keypair in your first wallet, and replace <RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> with the address of your second wallet.

Confirm the updated balances with exzo balance:

exzonetwork balance <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --url

where <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> is either the public key from your keypair or the recipient's public key.

Full example of test transfer

$ exzo --keygen new --outfile my_exzo_wallet.json   # Creating my first wallet, a file system wallet
Generating a new keypair
For added security, enter a passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Wrote new keypair to my_exzo_wallet.json
pubkey: DYw8jCTfwHNRJhhmFcbXvVDTqWMEVFBX6ZKUmG5CNSKK                          # Here is the address of the first wallet
Save this seed phrase to recover your new keypair:
width enhance concert vacant ketchup eternal spy craft spy guard tag punch    # If this was a real wallet, never share these words on the internet like this!
$ exzo airdrop 10 DYw8jCTfwHNRJhhmFcbXvVDTqWMEVFBX6ZKUmG5CNSKK --url  # Airdropping 10 XZO to my wallet's address/pubkey
Requesting airdrop of 10 XZO from
10 XZO
$ exzo balance DYw8jCTfwHNRJhhmFcbXvVDTqWMEVFBX6ZKUmG5CNSKK --url # Check the address's balance
10 XZO
$ exzo-keygen new --no-outfile  # Creating a second wallet, a paper wallet
Generating a new keypair
For added security, enter a passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
pubkey: 7S3P4HxJpyyigGzodYwHtCxZyUQe9JiBMHyRWXArAaKv                   # Here is the address of the second, paper, wallet.
Save this seed phrase to recover your new keypair:
clump panic cousin hurt coast charge engage fall eager urge win love   # If this was a real wallet, never share these words on the internet like this!
$ exzo transfer --from my_exzo_wallet.json 7S3P4HxJpyyigGzodYwHtCxZyUQe9JiBMHyRWXArAaKv 5 --url --fee-payer my_exzonetwork_wallet.json  # Transferring tokens to the public address of the paper wallet

3gmXvykAd1nCQQ7MjosaHLf69Xyaqyq1qw2eu1mgPyYXd5G4v1rihhg1CiRw35b9fHzcftGKKEu4mbUeXY2pEX2z  # This is the transaction signature
$ exzo balance DYw8jCTfwHNRJhhmFcbXvVDTqWMEVFBX6ZKUmG5CNSKK --url

4.999995 XZO  # The sending account has slightly less than 5 XZO remaining due to the 0.000005 XZO transaction fee payment
$ exzo balance 7S3P4HxJpyyigGzodYwHtCxZyUQe9JiBMHyRWXArAaKv --url
5 XZO  # The second wallet has now received the 5 XZO transfer from the first wallet

Receive Tokens

To receive tokens, you will need an address for others to send tokens to. In Exzo Network, the wallet address is the public key of a keypair. There are a variety of techniques for generating keypairs. The method you choose will depend on how you choose to store keypairs. Keypairs are stored in wallets. Before receiving tokens, you will need to create a wallet. Once completed, you should have a public key for each keypair you generated. The public key is a long string of base58 characters. Its length varies from 32 to 44 characters.

Send Tokens

If you already hold XZO and want to send tokens to someone, you will need a path to your keypair, their base58-encoded public key, and a number of tokens to transfer. Once you have that collected, you can transfer tokens with the exzo transfer command:


exzo transfer --from <KEYPAIR> <RECIPIENT_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT> --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

Confirm the updated balances with exzonetwork balance:



exzo balance <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

After you have received XZO, you might consider putting it to use by delegating stake to a validator. Stake is what we call tokens in a stake account. Exzo Network weights validator votes by the amount of stake delegated to them, which gives those validators more influence in determining then next valid block of transactions in the blockchain. Exzo Network then generates new XZO periodically to reward stakers and validators. You earn more rewards the more stake you delegate.

Create a Stake Account

To delegate stake, you will need to transfer some tokens into a stake account. To create an account, you will need a keypair. Its public key will be used as the stake account address. No need for a password or encryption here; this keypair will be discarded right after creating the stake account.


exzonetwork-keygen new --no-passphrase -o stake-account.json

The output will contain the public key after the text pubkey:.

pubkey: GKvqsuNcnwWqPzzuhLmGi4rzzh55FhJtGizkhHaEJqiV

Copy the public key and store it for safekeeping. You will need it any time you want to perform an action on the stake account you create next.

Now, create a stake account:


exzonetwork create-stake-account --from <KEYPAIR> stake-account.json <AMOUNT> \
--stake-authority <KEYPAIR> --withdraw-authority <KEYPAIR> \
--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

<AMOUNT> tokens are transferred from the account at the "from" <KEYPAIR> to a new stake account at the public key of stake-account.json.

The stake-account.json file can now be discarded. To authorize additional actions, you will use the --stake-authority or --withdraw-authority keypair, not stake-account.json.

View the new stake account with the exzonetwork stake-account command:


exzonetwork stake-account <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

The output will look similar to this:

Total Stake: 5000 XZO
Stake account is undelegated
Stake Authority: EXU95vqs93yPeCeAU7mPPu6HbRUmTFPEiGug9oCdvQ5F
Withdraw Authority: EXU95vqs93yPeCeAU7mPPu6HbRUmTFPEiGug9oCdvQ5F

Set Stake and Withdraw Authorities

Stake and withdraw authorities can be set when creating an account via the --stake-authority and --withdraw-authority options, or afterward with the exzonetwork stake-authorize command. For example, to set a new stake authority, run:


exzonetwork stake-authorize <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> \
--stake-authority <KEYPAIR> --new-stake-authority <PUBKEY> \
--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

This will use the existing stake authority <KEYPAIR> to authorize a new stake authority <PUBKEY> on the stake account <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>.

Advanced: Derive Stake Account Addresses

When you delegate stake, you delegate all tokens in the stake account to a single validator. To delegate to multiple validators, you will need multiple stake accounts. Creating a new keypair for each account and managing those addresses can be cumbersome. Fortunately, you can derive stake addresses using the --seed option:


exzonetwork create-stake-account --from <KEYPAIR> <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> --seed <STRING> <AMOUNT> \
--stake-authority <PUBKEY> --withdraw-authority <PUBKEY> --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

<STRING> is an arbitrary string up to 32 bytes, but will typically be a number corresponding to which derived account this is. The first account might be "0", then "1", and so on. The public key of <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> acts as the base address. The command derives a new address from the base address and seed string. To see what stake address the command will derive, use exzonetwork create-address-with-seed:


exzonetwork create-address-with-seed --from <PUBKEY> <SEED_STRING> STAKE

<PUBKEY> is the public key of the <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> passed to exzonetwork create-stake-account.

Delegate Stake

To delegate your stake to a validator, you will need its vote account address. Find it by querying the cluster for the list of all validators and their vote accounts with the exzonetwork validators command:


exzonetwork validators

The first column of each row contains the validator's identity and the second is the vote account address. Choose a validator and use its vote account address in exzonetwork delegate-stake:


exzonetwork delegate-stake --stake-authority <KEYPAIR> <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> \
--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

The stake authority <KEYPAIR> authorizes the operation on the account with address <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>. The stake is delegated to the vote account with address <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>.

After delegating stake, use exzonetwork stake-account to observe the changes to the stake account:


exzonetwork stake-account <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

You will see new fields "Delegated Stake" and "Delegated Vote Account Address" in the output. The output will look similar to this:

Total Stake: 5000 XZO
Credits Observed: 147462
Delegated Stake: 4999.99771712 XZO
Delegated Vote Account Address: CcaHc2L43ZWjwCHART3oZoJvHLAe9hzT2DJNUpBzoTN1
Stake activates starting from epoch: 42
Stake Authority: EXU95vqs93yPeCeAU7mPPu6HbRUmTFPEiGug9oCdvQ5F
Withdraw Authority: EXU95vqs93yPeCeAU7mPPu6HbRUmTFPEiGug9oCdvQ5F

Deactivate Stake

Once delegated, you can undelegate stake with the exzonetwork deactivate-stake command:


exzonetwork deactivate-stake --stake-authority <KEYPAIR> <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> \
--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

The stake authority <KEYPAIR> authorizes the operation on the account with address <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>.

Note that stake takes several epochs to "cool down". Attempts to delegate stake in the cool down period will fail.

Withdraw Stake

Transfer tokens out of a stake account with the exzonetwork withdraw-stake command:


exzonetwork withdraw-stake --withdraw-authority <KEYPAIR> <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT> \
--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

<STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> is the existing stake account, the stake authority <KEYPAIR> is the withdraw authority, and <AMOUNT> is the number of tokens to transfer to <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>.

Split Stake

You may want to delegate stake to additional validators while your existing stake is not eligible for withdrawal. It might not be eligible because it is currently staked, cooling down, or locked up. To transfer tokens from an existing stake account to a new one, use the exzonetwork split-stake command:


exzonetwork split-stake --stake-authority <KEYPAIR> <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <NEW_STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> <AMOUNT> \
--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

<STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> is the existing stake account, the stake authority <KEYPAIR> is the stake authority, <NEW_STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> is the keypair for the new account, and <AMOUNT> is the number of tokens to transfer to the new account.

To split a stake account into a derived account address, use the --seed option. See Derive Stake Account Addresses for details.

If you want to delegate stake to many different validators, you will need to create a separate stake account for each. If you follow the convention of creating the first stake account at seed "0", the second at "1", the third at "2", and so on, then the exzonetwork-stake-accounts tool will allow you to operate on all accounts with single invocations. You can use it to sum up the balances of all accounts, move accounts to a new wallet, or set new authorities.


Create a stake account

Create and fund a derived stake account at the stake authority public key:


exzonetwork-stake-accounts new <FUNDING_KEYPAIR> <BASE_KEYPAIR> <AMOUNT> \
--stake-authority <PUBKEY> --withdraw-authority <PUBKEY> \
--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

Count accounts

Count the number of derived accounts:


exzonetwork-stake-accounts count <BASE_PUBKEY>

Get stake account balances

Sum the balance of derived stake accounts:


exzonetwork-stake-accounts balance <BASE_PUBKEY> --num-accounts <NUMBER>

Get stake account addresses

List the address of each stake account derived from the given public key:


exzonetwork-stake-accounts addresses <BASE_PUBKEY> --num-accounts <NUMBER>

Set new authorities

Set new authorities on each derived stake account:


exzonetwork-stake-accounts authorize <BASE_PUBKEY> \
--stake-authority <KEYPAIR> --withdraw-authority <KEYPAIR> \
--new-stake-authority <PUBKEY> --new-withdraw-authority <PUBKEY> \
--num-accounts <NUMBER> --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

Relocate stake accounts

Relocate stake accounts:


exzonetwork-stake-accounts rebase <BASE_PUBKEY> <NEW_BASE_KEYPAIR> \
--stake-authority <KEYPAIR> --num-accounts <NUMBER> \
--fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

To atomically rebase and authorize each stake account, use the 'move' command:


exzonetwork-stake-accounts move <BASE_PUBKEY> <NEW_BASE_KEYPAIR> \
--stake-authority <KEYPAIR> --withdraw-authority <KEYPAIR> \
--new-stake-authority <PUBKEY> --new-withdraw-authority <PUBKEY> \
--num-accounts <NUMBER> --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>

Developers can deploy on-chain programs (often called smart contracts elsewhere) with the Exzo Network tools.

To learn about developing and executing programs on Exzo Network, start with the overview and then dig into the details of on-chain programs.

To deploy a program, use the Exzo Network tools to interact with the on-chain loader to:

  • Initialize a program account
  • Upload the program's shared object to the program account's data buffer
  • Verify the uploaded program
  • Finalize the program by marking the program account executable.
  • Once deployed, anyone can execute the program by sending transactions that reference it to the cluster.


Deploy a program

To deploy a program, you will need the location of the program's shared object (the program binary .so)


exzonetwork program deploy <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>

Successful deployment will return the program id of the deployed program, for example:

Program Id: 3KS2k14CmtnuVv2fvYcvdrNgC94Y11WETBpMUGgXyWZL

Specify the keypair in the deploy command to deploy to a specific program id:

exzonetwork program deploy --program-id <KEYPAIR_FILEPATH> <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>

If the program id is not specified on the command line the tools will first look for a keypair file matching the <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>, or internally generate a new keypair.

A matching program keypair file is in the same directory as the program's shared object, and named <PROGRAM_NAME>-keypair.json. Matching program keypairs are generated automatically by the program build tools:



Showing a program account

To get information about a deployed program:


exzonetwork program show <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

An example output looks like:

Program Id: 3KS2k14CmtnuVv2fvYcvdrNgC94Y11WETBpMUGgXyWZL
Owner: BPFLoaderUpgradeab1e11111111111111111111111
ProgramData Address: EHsACWBhgmw8iq5dmUZzTA1esRqcTognhKNHUkPi4q4g
Authority: FwoGJNUaJN2zfVEex9BB11Dqb3NJKy3e9oY3KTh9XzCU
Last Deployed In Slot: 63890568
Data Length: 5216 (0x1460) bytes
  • Program Id is the address that can be referenced in an instruction's program_id field when invoking a program.
  • Owner: The loader this program was deployed with.
  • ProgramData Address is the account associated with the program account that holds the program's data (shared object).
  • Authority is the program's upgrade authority.
  • Last Deployed In Slot is the slot in which the program was last deployed.
  • Data Length is the size of the space reserved for deployments. The actual space used by the currently deployed program may be less.

Redeploy a program

A program can be redeployed to the same address to facilitate rapid development, bug fixes, or upgrades. Matching keypair files are generated once so that redeployments will be to the same program address.

The command looks the same as the deployment command:


exzonetwork program deploy <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>

By default, programs are deployed to accounts that are twice the size of the original deployment. Doing so leaves room for program growth in future redeployments. But, if the initially deployed program is very small (like a simple helloworld program) and then later grows substantially, the redeployment may fail. To avoid this, specify a max_len that is at least the size (in bytes) that the program is expected to become (plus some wiggle room).


exzonetwork program deploy --max-len 200000 <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>

Note that program accounts are required to be rent-exempt, and the max-len is fixed after initial deployment, so any XZO in the program accounts is locked up permanently.

Resuming a failed deploy

If program deployment fails, there will be a hanging intermediate buffer account that contains a non-zero balance. In order to recoup that balance you may resume a failed deployment by providing the same intermediate buffer to a new call to deploy.

Deployment failures will print an error message specifying the seed phrase needed to recover the generated intermediate buffer's keypair:

Recover the intermediate accounts ephemeral keypair file with
exzonetwork-keygen recover and the following 12-word seed phrase:
valley flat great hockey share token excess clever benefit traffic avocado athlete
To resume a deploy, pass the recovered keypair as
the [PROGRAM_ADDRESS_SIGNER] argument to exzonetwork deploy or
as the [BUFFER_SIGNER] to exzonetwork program deploy or exzonetwork write-buffer.
Or to recover the accounts lamports, pass it as the
[BUFFER_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS] argument to exzonetwork program drain.

To recover the keypair:


exzonetwork-keygen recover -o <KEYPAIR_PATH>

When asked, enter the 12-word seed phrase.

Then issue a new deploy command and specify the buffer:


exzonetwork program deploy --buffer <KEYPAIR_PATH> <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>

Closing buffer accounts and reclaiming their lamports

If deployment fails there will be a left over buffer account that holds lamports. The buffer account can either be used to resume a deploy or closed. When closed, the full balance of the buffer account will be transferred to the recipient's account.

The buffer account's authority must be present to close a buffer account, to list all the open buffer accounts that match the default authority:


exzonetwork program show --buffers

To specify a different authority:


exzonetwork program show --buffers --buffer-authority <AURTHORITY_ADRESS>

To close a single account:


exzonetwork program close <BUFFER_ADDRESS>

To close a single account and specify a different authority than the default:


exzonetwork program close <BUFFER_ADDRESS> --buffer-authority <KEYPAIR_FILEPATH>

To close a single account and specify a different recipient than the default:


exzonetwork program close <BUFFER_ADDRESS> --recipient <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>

To close all the buffer accounts associated with the current authority:


exzonetwork program close --buffers

To show all buffer accounts regardless of the authority


exzonetwork program show --buffers --all

Set a program's upgrade authority

The program's upgrade authority must to be present to deploy a program. If no authority is specified during program deployment, the default keypair is used as the authority. This is why redeploying a program in the steps above didn't require an authority to be explicitly specified.

The authority can be specified during deployment:


exzonetwork program deploy --upgrade-authority <UPGRADE_AUTHORITY_SIGNER> <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>

Or after deployment and using the default keypair as the current authority:


exzonetwork program set-upgrade-authority <PROGRAM_ADDRESS> --new-upgrade-authority <NEW_UPGRADE_AUTHORITY>

Or after deployment and specifying the current authority:


exzonetwork program set-upgrade-authority <PROGRAM_ADDRESS> --upgrade-authority <UPGRADE_AUTHORITY_SIGNER> --new-upgrade-authority <NEW_UPGRADE_AUTHORITY>

Immutable programs

A program can be marked immutable, which prevents all further redeployments, by specifying the --final flag during deployment:


exzonetwork program deploy <PROGRAM_FILEPATH> --final

Or anytime after:


exzonetwork program set-upgrade-authority <PROGRAM_ADDRESS> --final

exzonetwork program deploy ... utilizes Exno Network’s upgradeable loader, but there is another way to deploy immutable programs using the original on-chain loader:


exzonetwork deploy <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>

Programs deployed with exzonetwork deploy ... are not redeployable and are not compatible with the exzonetwork program ... commands.

Dumping a program to a file

The deployed program may be dumped back to a local file:


exzonetwork program dump <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <OUTPUT_FILEPATH>

The dumped file will be in the same as what was deployed, so in the case of a shared object, the dumped file will be a fully functional shared object. Note that the dump command dumps the entire data space, which means the output file will have trailing zeros after the shared object's data up to max_len. Sometimes it is useful to dump and compare a program to ensure it matches a known program binary. The original program file can be zero-extended, hashed, and compared to the hash of the dumped file.


$ exzonetwork dump <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>
$ cp
$ truncate -r
$ sha256sum

Using an intermediary Buffer account


$ exzonetwork dump <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>
$ cp
$ truncate -r
$ sha256sum

Instead of deploying directly to the program account, the program can be written to an intermediary buffer account. Intermediary accounts can useful for things like multi-entity governed programs where the governing members fist verify the intermediary buffer contents and then vote to allow an upgrade using it.


exzonetwork program write-buffer <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>

Buffer accounts support authorities like program accounts:


exzonetwork program set-buffer-authority <BUFFER_ADDRESS> --new-upgrade-authority <NEW_UPGRADE_AUTHORITY>

One exception is that buffer accounts cannot be marked immutable like program accounts can, so they don't support --final.

The buffer account, once entirely written, can be passed to deploy to deploy the program:


exzonetwork program deploy --program-id <PROGRAM_ADDRESS> --buffer <BUFFER_ADDRESS>

Note, the buffer's authority must match the program's upgrade authority.

Buffers also support show and dump just like programs do.

Some security models require keeping signing keys, and thus the signing process, separated from transaction creation and network broadcast. Examples include:

  • Collecting signatures from geographically disparate signers in a multi-signature scheme
  • Signing transactions using an airgapped signing device

This document describes using Exzo Network CLI to separately sign and submit a transaction.

Commands Supporting Offline Signing

At present, the following commands support offline signing:

Signing Transactions Offline

To sign a transaction offline, pass the following arguments on the command line

  1. --sign-only, prevents the client from submitting the signed transaction to the network. Instead, the pubkey/signature pairs are printed to stdout.

  2. --blockhash BASE58_HASH, allows the caller to specify the value used to fill the transaction's recent_blockhash field. This serves a number of purposes, namely: Eliminates the need to connect to the network and query a recent blockhash via RPC Enables the signers to coordinate the blockhash in a multiple-signature scheme.

Example: Offline Signing a Payment


exzonetwork@offline$ exzonetwork transfer --sign-only --blockhash 5Tx8F3jgSHx21CbtjwmdaKPLM5tWmreWAnPrbqHomSJF \
 recipient-keypair.json 1


Blockhash: 5Tx8F3jgSHx21CbtjwmdaKPLM5tWmreWAnPrbqHomSJF
Signers (Pubkey=Signature):


Submitting Offline Signed Transactions to the Network

To submit a transaction that has been signed offline to the network, pass the following arguments on the command line

  1. --blockhash BASE58_HASH, must be the same blockhash as was used to sign

  2. --signer BASE58_PUBKEY=BASE58_SIGNATURE, one for each offline signer. This includes the pubkey/signature pairs directly in the transaction rather than signing it with any local keypair(s)

Example: Submitting an Offline Signed Payment


exzonetwork@online$ exzonetwork transfer --blockhash 5Tx8F3jgSHx21CbtjwmdaKPLM5tWmreWAnPrbqHomSJF \
--signer FhtzLVsmcV7S5XqGD79ErgoseCLhZYmEZnz9kQg1Rp7j=4vC38p4bz7XyiXrk6HtaooUqwxTWKocf45cstASGtmrD398biNJnmTcUCVEojE7wVQvgdYbjHJqRFZPpzfCQpmUN
recipient-keypair.json 1



Offline Signing Over Multiple Sessions

Offline signing can also take place over multiple sessions. In this scenario, pass the absent signer's public key for each role. All pubkeys that were specified, but no signature was generated for will be listed as absent in the offline signing output

Example: Transfer with Two Offline Signing Sessions

Command (Offline Session #1)

exzonetwork@offline1 exzonetwork transfer Fdri24WUGtrCXZ55nXiewAj6RM18hRHPGAjZk3o6vBut 10 \
--blockhash 7ALDjLv56a8f6sH6upAZALQKkXyjAwwENH9GomyM8Dbc \
--sign-only \
--keypair fee_payer.json \
--from 674RgFMgdqdRoVtMqSBg7mHFbrrNm1h1r721H1ZMquHL

Output (Offline Session #1)

Blockhash: 7ALDjLv56a8f6sH6upAZALQKkXyjAwwENH9GomyM8Dbc
Signers (Pubkey=Signature):
Absent Signers (Pubkey):

Command (Offline Session #2)

exzonetwork@offline2 exzonetwork transfer Fdri24WUGtrCXZ55nXiewAj6RM18hRHPGAjZk3o6vBut 10 \
--blockhash 7ALDjLv56a8f6sH6upAZALQKkXyjAwwENH9GomyM8Dbc \
--sign-only \
--keypair from.json \
--fee-payer 3bo5YiRagwmRikuH6H1d2gkKef5nFZXE3gJeoHxJbPjy

Output (Offline Session #2)

Blockhash: 7ALDjLv56a8f6sH6upAZALQKkXyjAwwENH9GomyM8Dbc
Signers (Pubkey=Signature):
Absent Signers (Pubkey):

Online Submission

exzonetwork@online exzonetwork transfer Fdri24WUGtrCXZ55nXiewAj6RM18hRHPGAjZk3o6vBut 10 \
--blockhash 7ALDjLv56a8f6sH6upAZALQKkXyjAwwENH9GomyM8Dbc \
--from 674RgFMgdqdRoVtMqSBg7mHFbrrNm1h1r721H1ZMquHL \
--signer 674RgFMgdqdRoVtMqSBg7mHFbrrNm1h1r721H1ZMquHL=3vJtnba4dKQmEAieAekC1rJnPUndBcpvqRPRMoPWqhLEMCty2SdUxt2yvC1wQW6wVUa5putZMt6kdwCaTv8gk7sQ \
--fee-payer 3bo5YiRagwmRikuH6H1d2gkKef5nFZXE3gJeoHxJbPjy \
--signer 3bo5YiRagwmRikuH6H1d2gkKef5nFZXE3gJeoHxJbPjy=ohGKvpRC46jAduwU9NW8tP91JkCT5r8Mo67Ysnid4zc76tiiV1Ho6jv3BKFSbBcr2NcPPCarmfTLSkTHsJCtdYi

Online Submission


Buying More Time to Sign

Typically a Exzo Network transaction must be signed and accepted by the network within a number of slots from the blockhash in its recent_blockhash field (~2min at the time of this writing). If your signing procedure takes longer than this, a Durable Transaction Nonce can give you the extra time you need.

Durable transaction nonces are a mechanism for getting around the typical short lifetime of a transaction's recent_blockhash.

Usage Examples

Full usage details for durable nonce CLI commands can be found in the CLI reference.

Nonce Authority

Authority over a nonce account can optionally be assigned to another account. In doing so the new authority inherits full control over the nonce account from the previous authority, including the account creator. This feature enables the creation of more complex account ownership arrangements and derived account addresses not associated with a keypair. The --nonce-authority <AUTHORITY_KEYPAIR> argument is used to specify this account and is supported by the following commands

  • create-nonce-account
  • new-nonce
  • withdraw-from-nonce-account
  • authorize-nonce-account

Nonce Account Creation

The durable transaction nonce feature uses an account to store the next nonce value. Durable nonce accounts must be rent-exempt, so need to carry the minimum balance to achieve this.

A nonce account is created by first generating a new keypair, then create the account on chain


exzonetwork-keygen new -o nonce-keypair.json
exzonetwork create-nonce-account nonce-keypair.json 1



To keep the keypair entirely offline, use the Paper Wallet keypair generation instructions instead.

Full usage documentation

Querying the Stored Nonce Value

Creating a durable nonce transaction requires passing the stored nonce value as the value to the --blockhash argument upon signing and submission. Obtain the presently stored nonce value with


exzonetwork nonce nonce-keypair.json



Advancing the Stored Nonce Value

While not typically needed outside a more useful transaction, the stored nonce value can be advanced by


exzonetwork new-nonce nonce-keypair.json



Full usage documentation

Display Nonce Account

Inspect a nonce account in a more human friendly format with


exzonetwork nonce-account nonce-keypair.json


balance: 0.5 XZO
minimum balance required: 0.00136416 XZO
nonce: DZar6t2EaCFQTbUP4DHKwZ1wT8gCPW2aRfkVWhydkBvS

Full usage documentation

Withdraw Funds from a Nonce Account

Withdraw funds from a nonce account with


exzonetwork withdraw-from-nonce-account nonce-keypair.json ~/.config/exzonetwork/id.json 0.5



Close a nonce account by withdrawing the full balance

Full usage documentation

Assign a New Authority to a Nonce Account

Reassign the authority of a nonce account after creation with


exzonetwork authorize-nonce-account nonce-keypair.json nonce-authority.json



Full usage documentation

Other Commands Supporting Durable Nonces

To make use of durable nonces with other CLI subcommands, two arguments must be supported.

  • --nonce, specifies the account storing the nonce value
  • --nonce-authority, specifies an optional nonce authority

The following subcommands have received this treatment so far

  • pay
  • delegate-stake
  • deactivate-stake

Example Pay Using Durable Nonce

Here we demonstrate Alice paying Bob 1 XZO using a durable nonce. The procedure is the same for all subcommands supporting durable nonces

Create accounts

First we need some accounts for Alice, Alice's nonce and Bob


$ exzonetwork-keygen new -o alice.json

$ exzonetwork-keygen new -o nonce.json

$ exzonetwork-keygen new -o bob.json

Fund Alice's account

Alice will need some funds to create a nonce account and send to Bob. Airdrop her some XZO


$ exzonetwork airdrop -k alice.json 1

Create Alice's nonce account

Now Alice needs a nonce account. Create one

Here, no separate nonce authority is employed, so alice.json has full authority over the nonce account


$ exzonetwork create-nonce-account -k alice.json nonce.json 0.1

A failed first attempt to pay Bob

Alice attempts to pay Bob, but takes too long to sign. The specified blockhash expires and the transaction fails


$ exzonetwork pay -k alice.json --blockhash expiredDTaxfagttWjQweib42b6ZHADSx94Tw8gHx3W7 bob.json 0.01
[2020-01-02T18:48:28.462911000Z ERROR exzonetwork_cli::cli] Io(Custom { kind: Other, error: "Transaction \"33gQQaoPc9jWePMvDAeyJpcnSPiGUAdtVg8zREWv4GiKjkcGNufgpcbFyRKRrA25NkgjZySEeKue5rawyeH5TzsV\" failed: None" })
Error: Io(Custom { kind: Other, error: "Transaction \"33gQQaoPc9jWePMvDAeyJpcnSPiGUAdtVg8zREWv4GiKjkcGNufgpcbFyRKRrA25NkgjZySEeKue5rawyeH5TzsV\" failed: None" })

Nonce to the rescue!

Alice retries the transaction, this time specifying her nonce account and the blockhash stored there

Remember, alice.json is the nonce authority in this example


$ exzonetwork nonce-account nonce.json

balance: 0.1 XZO
minimum balance required: 0.00136416 XZO
nonce: F7vmkY3DTaxfagttWjQweib42b6ZHADSx94Tw8gHx3W7
$ exzonetwork pay -k alice.json --blockhash F7vmkY3DTaxfagttWjQweib42b6ZHADSx94Tw8gHx3W7 --nonce nonce.json bob.json 0.01


The transaction succeeds! Bob receives 0.01 XZO from Alice and Alice's stored nonce advances to a new value


$ exzonetwork balance -k bob.json
0.01 XZO
$ exzonetwork nonce-account nonce.json
balance: 0.1 XZO
minimum balance required: 0.00136416 XZO
nonce: 6bjroqDcZgTv6Vavhqf81oBHTv3aMnX19UTB51YhAZnN

The solana-cli crate provides a command-line interface tool for Exzo Network


Get Pubkey


// Command
$ exzonetwork-keygen pubkey

// Return

Airdrop XZO/Lamports


// Command
exzonetwork airdrop 2

// Return
"2.00000000 XZO"

Get Balance


// Command
exzonetwork balance

// Return
"3.00050001 XZO"

Confirm Transaction


// Command
exzonetwork confirm <TX_SIGNATURE>

// Return
"Confirmed" / "Not found" / "Transaction failed with error <ERR>"

Deploy program


// Command
exzonetwork deploy <PATH>

// Return




exzonetwork-cli 0.3.6 (src:9e42883d; feat:2960423209)
Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    exzonetwork [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    account                        Show the contents of an account
    address                        Get your public key
    airdrop                        Request lamports
    authorize-nonce-account        Assign account authority to a new entity
    balance                        Get your balance
    block                          Get a confirmed block
    block-height                   Get current block height
    block-production               Show information about block production
    block-time                     Get estimated production time of a block
    catchup                        Wait for a validator to catch up to the cluster
    cluster-date                   Get current cluster date, computed from genesis creation time and network time
    cluster-version                Get the version of the cluster entrypoint
    config                         Exzonetwork command-line tool configuration settings
    confirm                        Confirm transaction by signature
    create-address-with-seed       Generate a derived account address with a seed
    create-nonce-account           Create a nonce account
    create-stake-account           Create a stake account
    create-vote-account            Create a vote account
    deactivate-stake               Deactivate the delegated stake from the stake account
    decode-transaction             Decode a serialized transaction
    delegate-stake                 Delegate stake to a vote account
    deploy                         Deploy a program
    epoch                          Get current epoch
    epoch-info                     Get information about the current epoch
    feature                        Runtime feature management
    fees                           Display current cluster fees
    first-available-block          Get the first available block in the storage
    genesis-hash                   Get the genesis hash
    gossip                         Show the current gossip network nodes
    help                           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    inflation                      Show inflation information
    largest-accounts               Get addresses of largest cluster accounts
    leader-schedule                Display leader schedule
    live-slots                     Show information about the current slot progression
    logs                           Stream transaction logs
    merge-stake                    Merges one stake account into another
    new-nonce                      Generate a new nonce, rendering the existing nonce useless
    nonce                          Get the current nonce value
    nonce-account                  Show the contents of a nonce account
    ping                           Submit transactions sequentially
    program                        Program management
    rent                           Calculate per-epoch and rent-exempt-minimum values for a given account data
    resolve-signer                 Checks that a signer is valid, and returns its specific path; useful for signers
                                   that may be specified generally, eg. usb://ledger
    slot                           Get current slot
    split-stake                    Duplicate a stake account, splitting the tokens between the two
    stake-account                  Show the contents of a stake account
    stake-authorize                Authorize a new signing keypair for the given stake account
    stake-history                  Show the stake history
    stake-set-lockup               Set Lockup for the stake account
    stakes                         Show stake account information
    supply                         Get information about the cluster supply of XZO
    transaction-count              Get current transaction count
    transaction-history            Show historical transactions affecting the given address from newest to oldest
    transfer                       Transfer funds between system accounts
    validator-info                 Publish/get Validator info on Exzonetwork
    validators                     Show summary information about the current validators
    vote-account                   Show the contents of a vote account
    vote-authorize-voter           Authorize a new vote signing keypair for the given vote account
    vote-authorize-withdrawer      Authorize a new withdraw signing keypair for the given vote account
    vote-update-commission         Update the vote accounts commission
    vote-update-validator          Update the vote accounts validator identity
    wait-for-max-stake             Wait for the max stake of any one node to drop below a percentage of total.
    withdraw-from-nonce-account    Withdraw XZO from the nonce account
    withdraw-from-vote-account     Withdraw lamports from a vote account into a specified account
    withdraw-stake                 Withdraw the unstaked XZO from the stake account
Show the contents of an account

    exzonetwork account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetworks JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
    -o, --output-file <FILEPATH>           Write the account data to this file
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Account key URI. , one of:
                           * a base58-encoded public key
                           * a path to a keypair file
                           * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                           * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                           * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Get your public key

    exzonetwork address [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --confirm-key                    Confirm key on device; only relevant if using remote wallet
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Request lamports

    exzonetwork airdrop [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <AMOUNT> [RECIPIENT_ADDRESS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --faucet-host <URL>                Faucet host to use [default: the --url host]
        --faucet-port <PORT_NUMBER>        Faucet port to use [default: 9900]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetworks JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <AMOUNT>               The airdrop amount to request, in XZO    <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>    The account address of airdrop recipient. , one of:
                             * a base58-encoded public key
                             * a path to a keypair file
                             * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                             * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                             * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Assign account authority to a new entity

    exzo authorize-nonce-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <AUTHORITY_PUBKEY>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Address of the nonce account. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <AUTHORITY_PUBKEY>         Account to be granted authority of the nonce account. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Get your balance

    exzonetwork balance [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ACCOUNT_ADDRESS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    The account address of the balance to check. , one of:
                           * a base58-encoded public key
                           * a path to a keypair file
                           * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                           * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                           * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Get a confirmed block

    exzonetwork block [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SLOT]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

Get current block height

    exzonetwork block-height [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Show information about block production

    exzonetwork block-production [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --epoch <epoch>                    Epoch to show block production for [default: current epoch]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --slot-limit <slot_limit>          Limit results to this many slots from the end of the epoch [default: full
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Get estimated production time of a block

    exzonetwork block-time [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SLOT]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <SLOT>    Slot number of the block to query
Wait for a validator to catch up to the cluster

    exzonetwork catchup [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ARGS]

        --follow                         Continue reporting progress even after the validator has caught up
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --log                            Do not update the progress inplace; instead show updates with its own new lines
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --our-localhost <PORT>             Guess Identity pubkey and validator rpc node assuming local (possibly
                                           private) validator [default: 8899]
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <OUR_VALIDATOR_PUBKEY>    Identity pubkey of the validator, one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <OUR_URL>                 JSON RPC URL for validator, which is useful for validators with a private RPC service
Get current cluster date, computed from genesis creation time and network time

    exzonetwork cluster-date [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
exzonetwork -cluster-version
Get the version of the cluster entrypoint

    exzonetwork cluster-version [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
exzonetwork -config
exzonetwork command-line tool configuration settings

    exzonetwork config [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    export-address-labels    Export the current address labels
    get                      Get current config settings
    help                     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    import-address-labels    Import a list of address labels
    set                      Set a config setting
exzonetwork -confirm
Confirm transaction by signature

    exzonetwork confirm [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetworks JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE>    The transaction signature to confirm

Note: This will show more detailed information for finalized transactions with verbose mode (-v/--verbose).

Account modes:
    s: signed
    r: readable (always true)
    w: writable
    x: program account (inner instructions excluded)
exzonetwork -create-address-with-seed
Generate a derived account address with a seed

    exzonetwork create-address-with-seed [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SEED_STRING> <PROGRAM_ID>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --from <FROM_PUBKEY>               From (base) key, [default: cli config keypair]. , one of:
                                             * a base58-encoded public key
                                             * a path to a keypair file
                                             * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                             * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                             * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <SEED_STRING>    The seed.  Must not take more than 32 bytes to encode as utf-8
    <PROGRAM_ID>     The program_id that the address will ultimately be used for,
                     or one of NONCE, STAKE, and VOTE keywords
exzonetwork -create-nonce-account
Create a nonce account

    exzonetwork create-nonce-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> <AMOUNT>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce-authority <PUBKEY>         Assign noncing authority to another entity. , one of:
                                             * a base58-encoded public key
                                             * a path to a keypair file
                                             * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                             * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                             * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --seed <STRING>                    Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a
                                           derived address of the NONCE_ACCOUNT pubkey
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR>    Keypair of the nonce account to fund
    <AMOUNT>             The amount to load the nonce account with, in XZO; accepts keyword ALL
exzonetwork -create-stake-account
Create a stake account

    exzonetwork create-stake-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> <AMOUNT>

        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>             Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>     Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                            processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                 Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --custodian <PUBKEY>                Authority to modify lockups. , one of:
                                              * a base58-encoded public key
                                              * a path to a keypair file
                                              * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                              * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                              * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>               Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                            or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer
                                            is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
        --from <KEYPAIR>                    Source account of funds [default: cli config keypair]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>              URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                            testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                 Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --lockup-date <RFC3339 DATETIME>    The date and time at which this account will be available for withdrawal
        --lockup-epoch <NUMBER>             The epoch height at which this account will be available for withdrawal
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                    Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                            transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                            requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                            transactions at https://docs.
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>         Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                   Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --seed <STRING>                     Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at
                                            a derived address of the STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR pubkey
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...      Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --stake-authority <PUBKEY>          Authorized staker [default: cli config keypair]
        --ws <URL>                          WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
        --withdraw-authority <PUBKEY>       Authorized withdrawer [default: cli config keypair]

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR>    Stake account to create (or base of derived address if --seed is used)
    <AMOUNT>                   The amount to send to the stake account, in XZO; accepts keyword ALL
exzonetwork -create-vote-account
Create a vote account

    exzonetwork create-vote-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR> <IDENTITY_KEYPAIR>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --authorized-voter <VOTER_PUBKEY>
            Public key of the authorized voter [default: validator identity pubkey]. , one of:
              * a base58-encoded public key
              * a path to a keypair file
              * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
              * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
              * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --authorized-withdrawer <WITHDRAWER_PUBKEY>
            Public key of the authorized withdrawer [default: validator identity pubkey]. , one of:
              * a base58-encoded public key
              * a path to a keypair file
              * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
              * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
              * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --commission <PERCENTAGE>                      The commission taken on reward redemption (0-100) [default: 100]
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
            Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

    -C, --config <FILEPATH>
            Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]

    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
            URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                            Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                             Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --output <FORMAT>
            Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

        --seed <STRING>
            Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a derived address of the VOTE
            ACCOUNT pubkey
        --ws <URL>                                     WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <ACCOUNT_KEYPAIR>     Vote account keypair to create
    <IDENTITY_KEYPAIR>    Keypair of validator that will vote with this account
Deactivate the delegated stake from the stake account

    exzonetwork deactivate-stake [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>            Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>              Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                           or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
                                           is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                   Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                           transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                           requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                           transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --seed <STRING>                    Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a
                                           derived address of STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...     Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --stake-authority <KEYPAIR>        Authorized staker [default: cli config keypair]
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Stake account to be deactivated (or base of derived address if --seed is used). , one
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Decode a serialized transaction

    exzonetwork decode-transaction [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <TRANSACTION> <ENCODING>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <TRANSACTION>    transaction to decode
    <ENCODING>       transaction encoding [default: base58]  [possible values: base58, base64]
Delegate stake to a vote account


        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>            Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>              Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                           or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
                                           is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                   Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                           transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                           requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                           transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...     Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --stake-authority <KEYPAIR>        Authorized staker [default: cli config keypair]
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Stake account to delegate, one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>     The vote account to which the stake will be delegated, one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Deploy a program


            Use the designated program id, even if the account already holds a large balance of XZO

    -h, --help                                      Prints help information
        --no-address-labels                         Do not use address labels in the output
            Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39 official English word list

    -V, --version                                   Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                                   Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <PROGRAM_FILEPATH>          /path/to/program.o
    <PROGRAM_ADDRESS_SIGNER>    The signer for the desired address of the program [default: new random address]
exzonetwork -epoch
Get current epoch

    exzonetwork epoch [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Get information about the current epoch

    exzonetwork epoch-info [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Runtime feature management

    exzonetwork feature [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    activate    Activate a runtime feature
    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    status      Query runtime feature status
Display current cluster fees

    exzonetwork fees [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>            Query fees for BLOCKHASH instead of the the most recent blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Get the first available block in the storage

    exzonetwork first-available-block [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Get the genesis hash

    exzonetwork genesis-hash [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Show the current gossip network nodes

    exzonetwork gossip [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

    exzonetwork help [subcommand]...

    <subcommand>...    The subcommand whose help message to display
Show inflation information

    exzonetwork inflation [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    rewards    Show inflation rewards for a set of addresses
Get addresses of largest cluster accounts

    exzonetwork largest-accounts [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --circulating                    Filter address list to only circulating accounts
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --non-circulating                Filter address list to only non-circulating accounts
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Display leader schedule

    exzonetwork leader-schedule [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --epoch <EPOCH>                    Epoch to show leader schedule for. (default: current)
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Show information about the current slot progression

    exzonetwork live-slots [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Stream transaction logs

    exzonetwork logs [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [ADDRESS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --include-votes                  Include vote transactions when monitoring all transactions
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <ADDRESS>    Account address to monitor [default: monitor all transactions except for votes] , one of:
                   * a base58-encoded public key
                   * a path to a keypair file
                   * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                   * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                   * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Merges one stake account into another


        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>            Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>              Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                           or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
                                           is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                   Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                           transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                           requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                           transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...     Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --stake-authority <KEYPAIR>        Authorized staker [default: cli config keypair]
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>           Stake account to merge into, one of:
                                        * a base58-encoded public key
                                        * a path to a keypair file
                                        * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                        * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                        * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <SOURCE_STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Source stake account for the merge.  If successful, this stake account will no
                                      longer exist after the merge, one of:
                                        * a base58-encoded public key
                                        * a path to a keypair file
                                        * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                        * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                        * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Generate a new nonce, rendering the existing nonce useless

    exzonetwork new-nonce [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Address of the nonce account. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Get the current nonce value

    exzonetwork nonce [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Address of the nonce account to display. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Show the contents of a nonce account

    exzonetwork nonce-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Address of the nonce account to display. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
exzonetwork -ping#
Submit transactions sequentially

    exzonetwork ping [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
    -D, --print-timestamp                Print timestamp (unix time + microseconds as in gettimeofday) before each line
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>            Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -c, --count <NUMBER>                   Stop after submitting count transactions
    -i, --interval <SECONDS>               Wait interval seconds between submitting the next transaction [default: 2]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --lamports <NUMBER>                Number of lamports to transfer for each transaction [default: 1]
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
    -t, --timeout <SECONDS>                Wait up to timeout seconds for transaction confirmation [default: 15]
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Program management

    exzonetwork program [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    close                    Close an acount and withdraw all lamports
    deploy                   Deploy a program
    dump                     Write the program data to a file
    help                     Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    set-buffer-authority     Set a new buffer authority
    set-upgrade-authority    Set a new program authority
    show                     Display information about a buffer or program
    write-buffer             Writes a program into a buffer account
Calculate per-epoch and rent-exempt-minimum values for a given account data length.

    exzonetwork rent [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <DATA_LENGTH_OR_MONIKER>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display rent in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <DATA_LENGTH_OR_MONIKER>    Length of data in the account to calculate rent for, or moniker: [nonce, stake,
                                system, vote]
Checks that a signer is valid, and returns its specific path; useful for signers that may be specified generally, eg.

    Exzonetwork resolve-signer [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SIGNER_KEYPAIR>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <SIGNER_KEYPAIR>    The signer path to resolve
Get current slot

    exzonetwork slot [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Duplicate a stake account, splitting the tokens between the two


        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>            Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>              Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                           or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
                                           is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                   Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                           transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                           requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                           transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --seed <STRING>                    Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a
                                           derived address of SPLIT_STAKE_ACCOUNT
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...     Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --stake-authority <KEYPAIR>        Authorized staker [default: cli config keypair]
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Stake account to split (or base of derived address if --seed is used). , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <SPLIT_STAKE_ACCOUNT>      Keypair of the new stake account
    <AMOUNT>                   The amount to move into the new stake account, in XZO
Show the contents of a stake account

    exzonetwork stake-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information
        --with-rewards                   Display inflation rewards

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --num-rewards-epochs <NUM>         Display rewards for NUM recent epochs, max 10 [default: latest epoch only]
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    The stake account to display. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Authorize a new signing keypair for the given stake account

    Exzonetwork stake-authorize [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> --new-stake-authority <PUBKEY> --new-withdraw-authority <PUBKEY>

        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>              Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>      Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                             processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                  Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --custodian <KEYPAIR>                Authority to override account lockup
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>                Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                             or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer
                                             is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>               URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-
                                             beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                  Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --new-stake-authority <PUBKEY>       New authorized staker, one of:
                                               * a base58-encoded public key
                                               * a path to a keypair file
                                               * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                               * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                               * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --new-withdraw-authority <PUBKEY>    New authorized withdrawer. , one of:
                                               * a base58-encoded public key
                                               * a path to a keypair file
                                               * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                               * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                               * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                     Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                             transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                             requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                             transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>          Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced
        --output <FORMAT>                    Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...       Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --stake-authority <KEYPAIR>          Authorized staker [default: cli config keypair]
        --ws <URL>                           WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
        --withdraw-authority <KEYPAIR>       Authorized withdrawer [default: cli config keypair]

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Stake account in which to set a new authority. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Show the stake history

    exzonetwork stake-history [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --limit <NUM>                      Display NUM recent epochs worth of stake history in text mode. 0 for all
                                           [default: 10]
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Set Lockup for the stake account

    exzonetwork stake-set-lockup [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <--lockup-epoch <NUMBER>|--lockup-date <RFC3339 DATETIME>|--new-custodian <PUBKEY>>

        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>             Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>     Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                            processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                 Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --custodian <KEYPAIR>               Keypair of the existing custodian [default: cli config pubkey]
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>               Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                            or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer
                                            is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>              URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                            testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                 Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --lockup-date <RFC3339 DATETIME>    The date and time at which this account will be available for withdrawal
        --lockup-epoch <NUMBER>             The epoch height at which this account will be available for withdrawal
        --new-custodian <PUBKEY>            Identity of a new lockup custodian. , one of:
                                              * a base58-encoded public key
                                              * a path to a keypair file
                                              * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                              * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                              * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                    Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                            transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                            requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                            transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>         Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                   Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...      Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --ws <URL>                          WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Stake account for which to set lockup parameters. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Show stake account information

    exzonetwork stakes [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [VOTE_ACCOUNT_PUBKEYS]...

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_PUBKEYS>...    Only show stake accounts delegated to the provided vote accounts. , one of:
                                   * a base58-encoded public key
                                   * a path to a keypair file
                                   * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                   * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                   * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Get information about the cluster supply of XZO

    exzonetwork supply [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --print-accounts                 Print list of non-circualting account addresses
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Get current transaction count

    exzonetwork transaction-count [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Show historical transactions affecting the given address from newest to oldest

    exzonetwork transaction-history [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <ADDRESS>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --show-transactions              Display the full transactions
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --before <TRANSACTION_SIGNATURE>    Start with the first signature older than this one
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>     Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                            processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                 Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>              URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                            testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                 Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --limit <LIMIT>                     Maximum number of transaction signatures to return [default: 1000]
        --output <FORMAT>                   Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                          WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <ADDRESS>    Account address, one of:
                   * a base58-encoded public key
                   * a path to a keypair file
                   * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                   * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                   * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Transfer funds between system accounts

    exzonetwork transfer [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT>

        --allow-unfunded-recipient       Complete the transfer even if the recipient address is not funded
        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --no-wait                        Return signature immediately after submitting the transaction, instead of
                                         waiting for confirmations
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>            Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>              Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                           or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
                                           is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
        --from <FROM_ADDRESS>              Source account of funds (if different from client local account). , one of:
                                             * a base58-encoded public key
                                             * a path to a keypair file
                                             * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                             * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                             * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                 Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                   Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                           transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                           requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                           transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...     Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>    The account address of recipient. , one of:
                             * a base58-encoded public key
                             * a path to a keypair file
                             * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                             * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                             * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <AMOUNT>               The amount to send, in XZO accepts keyword ALL
Publish/get Validator info on exzonetwork

    exzonetwork validator-info [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    get        Get and parse Exzonetwork Validator info
    help       Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    publish    Publish Validator info on exzonetwork
Show summary information about the current validators

    exzonetwork validators [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
    -n, --number                         Number the validators
    -r, --reverse                        Reverse order while sorting
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --sort <sort>                      Sort order (does not affect JSON output) [default: stake]  [possible values:
                                           delinquent, commission, credits, identity, last-vote, root, skip-rate, stake,
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
Show the contents of a vote account

    exzonetwork vote-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --lamports                       Display balance in lamports instead of XZO
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information
        --with-rewards                   Display inflation rewards

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --num-rewards-epochs <NUM>         Display rewards for NUM recent epochs, max 10 [default: latest epoch only]
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Vote account pubkey. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
ezonetwork -vote-authorize-voter#
Authorize a new vote signing keypair for the given vote account


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                 Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>     Vote account in which to set the authorized voter. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <AUTHORIZED_KEYPAIR>       Current authorized vote signer.
    <NEW_AUTHORIZED_PUBKEY>    New authorized vote signer. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Authorize a new withdraw signing keypair for the given vote account


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                 Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Vote account in which to set the authorized withdrawer. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <AUTHORIZED_KEYPAIR>      Current authorized withdrawer.
    <AUTHORIZED_PUBKEY>       New authorized withdrawer. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
Update the vote accounts commission


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                 Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Vote account to update. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <PERCENTAGE>              The new commission
    <AUTHORIZED_KEYPAIR>      Authorized withdrawer keypair
Update the vote accounts validator identity


    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                 Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Vote account to update. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <IDENTITY_KEYPAIR>        Keypair of new validator that will vote with this account
    <AUTHORIZED_KEYPAIR>      Authorized withdrawer keypair
Wait for the max stake of any one node to drop below a percentage of total.

    exzonetwork wait-for-max-stake [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [PERCENT]

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

Withdraw XZO from the nonce account

    exzonetwork withdraw-from-nonce-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <NONCE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Nonce account to withdraw from. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>        The account to which the XZO should be transferred. , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <AMOUNT>                   The amount to withdraw from the nonce account, in XZO
Withdraw lamports from a vote account into a specified account

    Exzonetwork withdraw-from-vote-account [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --authorized-withdrawer <AUTHORIZED_KEYPAIR>    Authorized withdrawer [default: cli config keypair]
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>
            Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values: processed, confirmed, finalized]

    -C, --config <FILEPATH>
            Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]

    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>
            URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta, testnet, devnet, localhost]

    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                             Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --with-memo <MEMO>                              Specify a memo string to include in the transaction.
        --output <FORMAT>
            Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-compact]

        --ws <URL>                                      WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster

    <VOTE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Vote account from which to withdraw. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>       The recipient of withdrawn XZO. , one of:
                                * a base58-encoded public key
                                * a path to a keypair file
                                * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <AMOUNT>                  The amount to withdraw, in XZO; accepts keyword ALL
Withdraw the unstaked XZO from the stake account


        --dump-transaction-message       Display the base64 encoded binary transaction message in sign-only mode
    -h, --help                           Prints help information
        --no-address-labels              Do not use address labels in the output
        --sign-only                      Sign the transaction offline
        --skip-seed-phrase-validation    Skip validation of seed phrases. Use this if your phrase does not use the BIP39
                                         official English word list
    -V, --version                        Prints version information
    -v, --verbose                        Show additional information

        --blockhash <BLOCKHASH>            Use the supplied blockhash
        --commitment <COMMITMENT_LEVEL>    Return information at the selected commitment level [possible values:
                                           processed, confirmed, finalized]
    -C, --config <FILEPATH>                Configuration file to use [default: ~/.config/exzonetwork/cli/config.yml]
        --custodian <KEYPAIR>              Authority to override account lockup
        --fee-payer <KEYPAIR>              Specify the fee-payer account. This may be a keypair file, the ASK keyword
                                           or the pubkey of an offline signer, provided an appropriate --signer argument
                                           is also passed. Defaults to the client keypair.
    -u, --url <URL_OR_MONIKER>             URL for Exzonetwork’s JSON RPC or moniker (or their first letter): [mainnet-beta,
                                           testnet, devnet, localhost]
    -k, --keypair <KEYPAIR>                Filepath or URL to a keypair
        --nonce <PUBKEY>                   Provide the nonce account to use when creating a nonced
                                           transaction. Nonced transactions are useful when a transaction
                                           requires a lengthy signing process. Learn more about nonced
                                           transactions at
        --nonce-authority <KEYPAIR>        Provide the nonce authority keypair to use when signing a nonced transaction
        --output <FORMAT>                  Return information in specified output format [possible values: json, json-
        --seed <STRING>                    Seed for address generation; if specified, the resulting account will be at a
                                           derived address of STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS
        --signer <PUBKEY=SIGNATURE>...     Provide a public-key/signature pair for the transaction
        --ws <URL>                         WebSocket URL for the exzonetwork cluster
        --withdraw-authority <KEYPAIR>     Authorized withdrawer [default: cli config keypair]

    <STAKE_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS>    Stake account from which to withdraw (or base of derived address if --seed is used).
                               , one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <RECIPIENT_ADDRESS>        Recipient of withdrawn XZO, one of:
                                 * a base58-encoded public key
                                 * a path to a keypair file
                                 * a hyphen; signals a JSON-encoded keypair on stdin
                                 * the 'ASK' keyword; to recover a keypair via its seed phrase
                                 * a hardware wallet keypair URL (i.e. usb://ledger)
    <AMOUNT>                   The amount to withdraw from the stake account, in XZO; accepts keyword ALL